[영어성구] 복과 재앙은 말끝에서 *스페셜 에디션

진실무망 | 2017.03.06 00:58 | 조회 5211

Sunday Special Edition 오늘의 성구 암송 February 26, 147


복과 재앙은 말끝에서

Words Become Blessings or Misfortunes


김갑칠이 늘 상제님께 응석과 고집을 부리되 상제님께서는 잘 달래어 일깨우실 뿐 한 번도 꾸짖지 않으시니 갑칠이 더욱 심해지는지라.

Gim Gap-chil often behaved capriciously or obstinately toward Sangjenim, but Sangjenim would merely calm him and uplift his understanding with explanations. But since Sangjenim never chastised him, Gap-chil’s behavior worsened.


하루는 형렬이 몹시 화가 나서 저런 못된 놈이 어디 있느냐.” 하며 꾸짖거늘 상제님께서 이르시기를 네가 아직 언행이 덜 풀려서 말에 독기(毒氣)가 있도다.” 하시고 말씀하시기를

One day, Hyeong-ryeol became furious and rebuked Gap-chil, “How could there ever be such a wretch!” Sangjenim counseled Hyeong-ryeol, “Your speech and conduct are not yet free of harshness, so there is still poisonous qi in your words.” Sangjenim continued:


惡將除去無非草요 오장제거무비초

好取看來總是花니라 호취간래총시화

싫다고 베어 버리면 풀 아닌 게 없고

좋다고 취하려 들면 모두가 꽃이니라.하시니라. 이어 말씀하시기를

Hated and cut away, none are anything but weeds.

Admired and accepted, all are flowers.


말은 마음의 소리요, 행동은 마음의 자취라.

말을 좋게 하면 복이 되어 점점 큰 복을 이루어 내 몸에 이르고,

말을 나쁘게 하면 화가 되어 점점 큰 재앙을 이루어 내 몸에 이르느니라.”


He then declared, “Words are the voice of the mind; behavior is the reflection of the mind. Kind words grow into blessings which blossom into ever greater blessings that eventually envelop you, while harsh words grow into misfortunes which deepen into ever greater misfortunes that eventually envelop you.”

[English dojeon 3:59]




Words & Phrases

often ːfn -] 자주, 종종

┈┈• Try to exercise as often as possible.

가능한 한 자주 운동을 하도록 하라.

If something often happens, it happens many times or much of the time.


behave [bihéiv 이브] 행동하다, 처신하다

┈┈• She behaved with great dignity.

그녀는 대단히 품위 있게 처신했다.

The way that you behave is the way that you do and say things, and the things that you do and say.


dignity [dígnǝti 그너티] 위엄, 품위, 기품, 장중함, 명예, 명성.

┈┈• a man of dignity 관록 있는 사람

┈┈• She accepted the criticism with quiet dignity.

그녀는 그 비판을 조용히 품위 있게 받아들였다.

If someone behaves or moves with dignity, they are calm, controlled, and admirable.


admirable [ǽdmərǝbəl 머뤄벌] 감탄할 만한, 훌륭한, 장한(excellent)

┈┈• Her dedication to her work was admirable.

그녀의 일에 대한 헌신은 존경스러웠다.

An admirable quality or action is one that deserves to be praised and admired.


behavior [bihéivjǝr 이벼ㄹ] 행동, 행실

┈┈• harsh behavior towards one's inferiors 아랫사람에게 엄한 태도


capriciously [kǝpríʃǝsli 커프셔슬리] 변덕스럽게, 불규칙적으로

┈┈• behave capriciously 변덕을 부리다


capricious [kǝpríʃǝs 커프셔스] 변덕스러운

┈┈• a capricious climate 변화가 심한 기후

Someone who is capricious often changes their mind unexpectedly.


obstinately [άbstənitli 스터닛리] 막무가내로

┈┈• obstinately deny 완고하게 거부하다

┈┈• obstinately refuse 완강히 거부하다

┈┈• hold out obstinately 완강히 대항하다


obstinate [άbstənit 스터닛] 완고한, 끈질긴, 고치기 힘든

┈┈• obstinate resistance to 에 대한 완강한 저항

If you describe someone as obstinate, you are being critical of them because they are very determined to do what they want, and refuse to change their mind or be persuaded to do something else.


toward [təwɔ́:rd -ㄹ드] 쪽으로, 로 향하여

┈┈• go toward the river 강 쪽으로 가다


merely [míǝrli 어ㄹ리] 단지, 그저

┈┈• I'm merely stating what everybody knows anyway.

난 그저 어쨌든 모든 사람들이 알고 있는 것을 말하는 것뿐이다.

You use merely to emphasize that something is only what you say and not better, more important, or more exciting.


calm [kɑːm -] 침착한, 차분한, 고요한, 조용한(quiet)

┈┈• It is important to keep calm in an emergency.

비상시에는 침착성을 잃지 않는 것이 중요하다.

A calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement.


uplift [ʌplift 업리프트] () 들어 올리다, 의기를 드높이다

() 들어올림, 향상, 정신적 앙양

┈┈• a moral uplift 도덕적 향상


explanation [èksplǝnéiʃən 엑스플러이션] 설명, 해설, 설명서

┈┈• For a full explanation of how the machine works, turn to page 5. 본 기계 작동과 관련된 자세한 설명은 5페이지를 보시오.

If you give an explanation of something that has happened, you give people reasons for it, especially in an attempt to justify it.


explain [ikspléin 익스쁠] 설명하다

┈┈• First, I'll explain the rules of the game.

먼저, 경기 규칙을 설명해 드리겠습니다.

If you explain something, you give details about it or describe it so that it can be understood.


chastise [tʃæstáiz 췌스이즈] 응징하다, 질책비난하다

┈┈• He chastised the team for their lack of commitment.

그는 헌신적인 데가 부족했다고 팀을 꾸짖었다.

If you chastise someone, you speak to them angrily or punish them for something wrong that they have done.

worsen [wə́ːrsən -ㄹ선] 악화하다, 악화시키다

┈┈• Staff shortages were worsened by the flu epidemic.

직원 부족 사태가 독감 유행으로 더 악화되었다.

If a bad situation worsens or if something worsens it, it becomes more difficult, unpleasant, or unacceptable.

The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening


worse [wǝːrs -ㄹ스] [bad의 비교급], 더 심한, 더 나쁜

┈┈• He could handle a worse situation.

그 같으면 더 곤란한 사태라도 처리할 수 있을 것이다


furious [fjúəriǝs 어뤼어스] 성난, 격노한, 맹렬한

┈┈• She drove off at a furious pace.

그녀는 차를 몰고 맹렬한 속도로 달려갔다.


rebuke [ribjúːk 뤼븈-] 비난하다, 꾸짖다

┈┈• The teacher rebuked his pupils for being lazy.

선생님은 학생들을 게으르다고 꾸짖었다

If you rebuke someone, you speak severely to them because they have said or done something that you do not approve of.


wretch [retʃ 뤠치] 가엾은 사람, 비열한 사람, 천박한 사람

┈┈• a miserable wretch 불쌍한 녀석


counsel [káunsl 운슬] () 의논, 협의, () 에게 조언하다

┈┈•He counselled them to give up the plan.

그는 그들에게 그 계획을 포기하라는 조언을 했다.

Counsel is advice.

If you counsel someone to take a course of action, or if you counsel a course of action, you advise that course of action.

speech [spiː스삐-] , 언어

┈┈• freedom of speech 언론의 자유

┈┈• Speech is silver, but silence is golden.

격언웅변은 은이요, 침묵은 금이다.


conduct [kə́ndʌkt 덕트] () 행위, 행동

[kǝndʌ́kt ] ()행동하다, 처신하다, 지휘하다

┈┈• The sport has a strict code of conduct.

스포츠에는 엄격한 행동 수칙이 있다.

┈┈• to conduct an experiment 실험 하다


yet [jet] (부정문에서) 아직 (않다), (의문문에서) 이미, 벌써

┈┈• Aren’t you ready yet? 아직 준비가 안 되었나?

┈┈• Has she come home yet? 그녀는 이미 집에 돌아왔나요?


free of 이 없는


harshness [hɑːrʃnis -ㄹ쉬니스] 거칠음; 귀에 거슬림, 엄함, 가혹

┈┈• treating him with great harshness 매우 가혹하게 그를 다룸

┈┈• As the wine ages, it loses its bitter harshness.

포도주는 해가 갈수록 불쾌한 신맛이 없어진다.


harsh [hɑː -ㄹ쉬] 거친, 호된, 모진, 가혹한. opp.smooth

┈┈• a harsh cloth 꺼칠꺼칠한 천

┈┈• a harsh punishment 엄벌


still [stil 스띨] () 정지한, 움직이지 않는, 조용한 (quiet)

(부사) 아직도, 여전히

┈┈• Still waters run deep.

속담깊이 흐르는 물이 잔잔하다. (벼는 익을수록 고개를 숙인다.)

┈┈• There's still time to change your mind.

당신이 마음을 바꿀 시간은 아직 있다.


poisonous [pɔ́izənǝs 이즈너스] 유독한, 악의의

┈┈• a poisonous snake 독사

┈┈• poisonous wastes 유독 폐기물

Something that is poisonous will kill you or make you ill if you swallow or absorb it.


continue [kǝntínjuː -] 계속하다

┈┈• He continued on his way. 그는 자기 길을 계속 갔다.

If someone or something continues to do something, they keep doing it and do not stop.


hate [heit 헤잇] 몹시 싫어하다, 증오하다

┈┈• I hate spinach. 난 시금치는 질색이야.

If you hate someone or something, you have an extremely strong feeling of dislike for them.


hatred [héitrid 잇츠리드] 증오, 몹시 싫음


anything but 이 결코 아닌


weed [wiːd -] () 잡초. () 잡초를 뽑다

The yard was overgrown with weeds.

뜰에는 잡초가 우거져 있었다.

A weed is a wild plant that grows in gardens or fields of crops and prevents the plants that you want from growing properly.

If you weed an area, you remove the weeds from it.


admire [ǝdmáiǝr 이어ㄹ] 존경하다, 칭찬하다

┈┈• I really admire your enthusiasm.

난 당신의 열정을 정말 존경해요.

If you admire someone or something, you like and respect them very much.


admiration ̀dmǝréiʃən 애드머이션] 감탄, 칭찬

┈┈• I have great admiration for her as a writer.

나는 그녀를 작가로서 대단히 존경한다.

Admiration is a feeling of great liking and respect for a person or thing.


accept [æksépt ] 받아들이다, 수납하다

┈┈• Please accept our sincere apologies.

저희들의 진심어린 사과를 받아 주십시오.

If you accept something that you have been offered, you say yes to it or agree to take it.


acceptance [ækséptəns 턴스] 받아들임, 수락, 승인

┈┈• acceptance of suffering 고통을 받아들임

Acceptance of an offer or a proposal is the act of saying yes to it or agreeing to it.


declare [diklέǝr 디클어ㄹ] 선언하다, 언명하다, (세관에) 신고하다

┈┈• The area has been declared a national park.

그 지역은 국립공원으로 공표되었다.

If you declare that something is true, you say that it is true in a firm, deliberate way.


reflection [riflékʃən 뤼플] 반사, 반영, 반성, 숙고

┈┈• see one’s reflection in a mirror 거울에 비친 모습을 보다


reflect [riflékt 뤼플] 비추다, 반사하다, 나타내다

┈┈• She could see herself reflected in his eyes.

그녀는 그의 두 눈에 자기 모습이 비치는 것이 보였다.


If something reflects an attitude or situation, it shows that the attitude or situation exists or it shows what it is like.


blessing [blésiŋ ] 축복, 신의 은총, 행복, 고마운 것, 즐거운 것

┈┈• to pray for God's 하느님의 축복을 기원하다

A blessing is something good that you are grateful for


blossom [blάsǝm ] () (flower), () 꽃을 피우다, 번영하다

┈┈• The peach trees blossom out in April.

복숭아나무는 4월에 꽃이 핀다.

Blossom is the flowers that appear on a tree before the fruit.

If someone or something blossoms, they develop good, attractive, or successful qualities.


eventually [ivéntʃuǝli 츄얼리] 드디어, 결국

┈┈• Our flight eventually left five hours late.

우리 비행기는 결국 5시간 늦게 떠났다

Eventually means in the end, especially after a lot of delays, problems, or arguments.


envelop [invélǝp ] 싸다, 봉하다

┈┈• Clouds enveloped the mountain tops.

구름이 산꼭대기를 감싸고 있었다.

If one thing envelops another, it covers or surrounds it completely.


envelope [énvǝlòup 붤로웁] 봉투. 싸개

┈┈• writing paper and envelopes 편지지와 편지 봉투

An envelope is the rectangular paper cover in which you send a letter to someone through the post.


misfortune [misfɔ́ːrtʃúːn 미쓰-ㄹ츈-] 불운, 불행, 재난

┈┈• by misfortune 운 나쁘게, 불행하게도

┈┈• Misfortunes never come single.

속담화불단행(禍不單行), 설상가상(雪上加霜). 엎친 데 덮치다.

A misfortune is something unpleasant or unlucky that happens to someone.


deepen [díːpən -] 깊게 하다, 진하게 하다

┈┈• Their friendship soon deepened into love.

그들의 우정이 깊어져 곧 사랑이 되었다.

If a situation or emotion deepens or if something deepens it, it becomes stronger and more intense.


deep [diːp -] 깊은opp.shɑllow, (부사) 깊게

┈┈• a deep hole 깊은 우물

If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something.


opposite [άpǝzit 뻐짓] opp. () 반대말, () 반대쪽의

The opposite of someone or something is the person or thing that is most different from them.

antonym [ǽntǝnim 터님] ant. 반대말

The antonym of a word is a word which means the opposite.


synonym [sínǝnim 너님] syn. 비슷한 말

A synonym is a word or expression which means the same as another word or expression.

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