[영어성구] 사람이라고 다 같은 사람이 아니라

진실무망 | 2017.05.19 15:56 | 조회 5272

오늘의 성구 암송 Friday, May 19, 147


사람이 천층만층 구만 층 People's Minds Are of One Thousand


People are not the same:

their greatness and smallness, deepness and shallowness,

are of one thousand, ten thousand, ninety thousand layers.

사람이라고 다 같은 사람이 아니라

크고 작고 깊고 얕음이 천층만층 구만 층이니라.

- English Dojeon 8:3:3 -


same [seim 쎄임] 같은

┈┈∘These things are of the same kind. 이것들은 동종이다.

If two or more things are the same, they are very like each other in some way.


greatness [gréitnis 잇니스] , 위대함

great [gréit ] , 엄청난, 위대한

┈┈∘ A great crowd had gathered. 많은 군중이 모여 있었다.


You use great to describe something that is very large. Great is more formal than big.


deepness [diːpnis -니스] 깊이

deep [diːp -] 깊은

┈┈∘ a deep cut 깊게 베인 상처


If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something.


shallowness [ʃǽlounis 로우니스] 얕음, 천박함

shallow [ʃǽlou 로우] 얕은, 천박한, 피상적인 (superficial)

┈┈∘ a shallow stream 얕은 시냇물

┈┈∘ a shallow mind 천박한 생각


A shallow container, hole, or area of water measures only a short distance from the top to the bottom.


thousand [θáuzənd 우전드] 1,000


layer [léiǝr 이어r] ()

┈┈∘ the earth's ozone layer 지구 오존층

┈┈∘ a single-layer quilt 홑이불


A layer of a material or substance is a quantity or piece of it that covers a surface or that is between two other things.

People are not the same:

피쁠 아 낫 더 쎄임

their greatness and smallness, deepness and shallowness,

데어 그뤠잇니스 앤 스몰니스 딮니스 앤 쒤로우니스

are of one thousand, ten thousand, ninety thousand layers.

아 오브 원 싸우전드 텐 싸우전드 나인티 싸우전드 레이어즈


사람이라고 다 같은 사람이 아니라 크고 작고 깊고 얕음이 천층만층 구만 층이니라.

People are not the same: their greatness and smallness, deepness and shallowness, are of one thousand, ten thousand, ninety thousand layers.


* 오늘의 한 줄 영어

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

제 눈에 안경

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