[영어성구] 무슨 일이든지 '하리라'고 결심하면

진실무망 | 2017.09.05 13:11 | 조회 5051

오늘의 성구 암송 Monday, August 28, 147



If you firmly resolve, ‘I shall succeed,’ there is nothing you cannot accomplish,

but if you succumb to fear and moan,

‘I cannot succeed,’ the qi of failure will invade you through such words.

- English Dojeon 8:43:7~8 -


무슨 일이든지 하리라.’고 결심하면 안 되는 일이 없나니

만일 겁을 내어 못하겠다.’는 말을 하면

이루지 못하는 기운이 따라 드느니라.




firmly [fə́ːrmli -] 굳게, 단단히, 단호하게

┈┈• 'I can manage,' she said firmly.

내가 해 낼 수 있어.” 그녀가 단호히 말했다


The front door is locked and all the windows are firmly shut.


resolve [rizάlv ] 결의하다, (문제 등을) 해결하다

┈┈• I resolved to quit smoking.

나는 담배를 끊으려고 결심했다.


┈┈• He resolved that nothing should hold him back.

그는 어떤 일이 있어도 물러서지 않기로 결심했다.


To resolve a problem, argument, or difficulty means to find a solution to it.


shall [ʃæl] 할 것이다

┈┈• This time next week I shall be in Scotland.

다음 주 이때쯤이면 난 스코틀랜드에 있을 것이다.


succeed [sǝksíːd -] 성공하다

┈┈• Our plan succeeded.

우리 계획이 성공했다.


If you succeed in doing something, you manage to do it.


accomplish [ǝkάmpliʃ 플리쉬] 이루다, 성취하다,

┈┈• That's it. Mission accomplished.

다 됐어. 임무 완수.


If you accomplish something, you succeed in doing it.

If we'd all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal


accomplishment [ǝkάmpliʃmǝnt 플리쉬먼트] 성취, 업적


succumb [sǝkʌ́m ] 굴복하다, 압도되다, 굽히다, 지다

┈┈• succumb to temptation 유혹에 지다

┈┈• His career was cut short when he succumbed to cancer.

그의 경력은 그가 암에 굴복하면서 갑자기 끝나 버렸다.


If you succumb to temptation or pressure, you do something that you want to do, or that other people want you to do, although you feel it might be wrong.

Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette


fear [fiǝr 퓌어r] () 두려움, 공포 () 두려워하다

┈┈• with fear 두려워하며

┈┈• All his employees fear him.

그의 직원들은 모두 그를 무서워한다.


[NOUN] Fear is the unpleasant feeling you have when you think that you are in danger.

[VERB] If you fear someone or something, you are frightened because you think that they will harm you.


moan [moun 모운] ()신음 소리, ()신음하다

┈┈• put on the moan 불평하다, 투덜거리다


[VERB] If you moan, you make a low sound, usually because you are unhappy or in pain.

[NOUN] A moan is a complaint.


failure [féiljǝr 일려] 실패

┈┈• Fɑilure teaches success. 실패는 성공을 가르친다.


Failure is a lack of success in doing or achieving something, especially in relation to a particular activity.


invade [invéid 이드] 에 침입하다

┈┈• The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body.

암세포들이 인체 다른 부위들도 침범할 수 있다.


To invade a country means to enter it by force with an army.


through [θruː 쓰루-] 을 통하여

┈┈• see through a glass 유리를 통해서 보다

┈┈• You can only achieve success through hard work.

성공은 근면을 통해서만 얻을 수 있다.


To move through something such as a hole, opening, or pipe means to move directly from one side or end of it to the other.


If you firmly resolve, ‘I shall succeed,’ there is

이퓨 풤리 뤼잘브 아이 쉘 썩씨드 데어 이즈

nothing you cannot accomplish,

낫씽 유 캔낫 어컴플리쉬

but if you succumb to fear and moan,

벋 이퓨 써컴 투 퓌어 앤 모운

‘I cannot succeed,’ the qi of failure will invade you

아이 캔낫 썩씨드 더 키 오브 풰일려 윌 인붸이드 유

through such words.

쓰루 써취 워즈



If you firmly resolve, ‘I shall succeed,’ there is nothing you cannot accomplish, but if you succumb to fear and moan, ‘I cannot succeed,’ the qi of failure will invade you through such words.


무슨 일이든지 하리라.’고 결심하면 안 되는 일이 없나니 만일 겁을 내어 못하겠다.’는 말을 하면 이루지 못하는 기운이 따라 드느니라.




- 오늘의 한 줄 영어 -


A: 전공이 무엇입니까?

What do you study in college?

What’s your major?

What do you major in?


B: 역사가 전공입니다.

My major is history.

I major in history. 

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