[영어성구] 천지일심으로 하나가 되어야

진실무망 | 2017.10.12 10:10 | 조회 4998

오늘의 영어 성구 암송 Wednesday, October 11, 147


일이 금방 된다고 해도 천지일심으로 하나가 되어야 일이 되지,

한 곳에서만 되어도 안 되느니라.

Even when My work nears completion,

its completion will still require that all unite,

their minds becoming one with heaven and earth,

for it would not suffice for just some to do so.


- English Dojeon 8:63:4 -



∎ near [niǝr 니어] ~에 근접하다

┈┈• We neared the top of the hill.

우리는 정상 가까이 다가갔다.


∎ completion [kǝmplíːʃn 컴플-] 완성

┈┈• The road is nearing completion.

그 도로는 거의 다 완성되어 간다.


∎ complete [kǝmplíːt 컴플릿-] () 완전한, 완벽한 / () 완성하다

┈┈• a complete victory 완승

┈┈• complete the whole course 졸업하다



[ADJ] You use complete to emphasize that something is as great in extent, degree, or amount as it possibly can be.


[VERB] To complete a set or group means to provide the last item that is needed to make it a full set or group.


∎ require [rikwáiǝr 이어] 요구하다

┈┈• This condition requires urgent treatment.

(질병) 상태는 긴급 치료가 필요하다.


If you require something or if something is required, you need it or it is necessary.


∎ unite [juːnáit -] 결합하다

┈┈• A special bond unites our two countries.

특별한 유대가 우리 두 국가를 결속시킨다.


If a group of people or things unite or if something unites them, they join together and act as a group.


The two parties have been trying to unite since the New Year.


∎ suffice [sǝfáis 이스] 충분하다

┈┈• Two meals a day suffice an old man.

노인에게는 하루 두 끼로 족하다


If you say that something will suffice, you mean it will be enough to achieve a purpose or to fulfil a need.


Even when My work nears completion,

이븐 웬 마이 워크 니어즈 컴플리션

its completion will still require that all unite,

잇쯔 컴플리션 윌 스띨 뤼콰이어 댓 올 유나잇

their minds becoming one with heaven and earth,

데어 마인즈 비커밍 원 윋 헤븐 앤 어쓰

for it would not suffice for just some to do so.

포릿웓낫 써퐈이스 포 져슽 썸 투 두 쏘우


일이 금방 된다고 해도 천지일심으로 하나가 되어야 일이 되지, 한 곳에서만 되어도 안 되느니라.

Even when My work nears completion,

its completion will still require that all unite,

their minds becoming one with heaven and earth,

for it would not suffice for just some to do so.


- 오늘의 한 줄 영어 -


Hello, how are you? My name is Michael Kim.

I am a meditation teacher of Jeung San Do.

Nice to meet you.


안녕하세요? 마이클 킴입니다. 저는 증산도의 수행지도사입니다. 만나서 반가워요.

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