[영어성구] 모든 선령신들이 쓸 자손 하나씩 타내려고

진실무망 | 2017.06.19 16:21 | 조회 4641

오늘의 성구 암송 Monday, June 19, 147


모든 선령신들이 쓸 자손 하나씩 타내려고

60년 동안 공을 들여도 못 타내는 자도 많으니라.

Ancestral spirits devote more than sixty years to the receiving of a single worthy descendant from heaven, yet many spirits still do not succeed in receiving any such descendants.

- English Dojeon 2:90:2 -


devotion [divóuʃən 우션] 헌신, 전념

┈┈∘ with single-minded devotion 일편단심으로


Devotion is great love, affection, or admiration for someone.


virtue [və́ːrtʃuː - -] 미덕,

┈┈∘ Virtue is its own reward. [속담] 덕행은 그 자체가 보수이다.


Virtue is thinking and doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong.



ancestral [ænséstrǝl 쓰츠뤌] 조상의

┈┈∘ an ancestral tablet 위패(位牌)


You use ancestral to refer to a person's family in former times, especially when the family is important and has property or land which they have had for a long time.


spirit [spírit ] 정신, 영혼 , 혼령, 유령, 독한 술

┈┈∘ the pioneer spirit 개척자 정신

┈┈∘ He is dead, but his spirit lives on.

그는 죽었지만, 그의 혼령은 계속 살아 있다.


Your spirit is the part of you that is not physical and that consists of your character and feelings.


devote [divóut ] 바치다

┈┈∘ devote one's life to education 교육에 일생을 바치다


If you devote yourself, your time, or your energy to something, you spend all or most of your time or energy on it.


receive [risíːv -] 받다

┈┈∘ to receive a letter 편지를 받다


When you receive something, you get it after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.


worthy [wə́ːrði r-] 훌륭한, ~을 받을 만한

┈┈∘ a worthy member of the team 그 팀의 훌륭한 구성원


If a person or thing is worthy of something, they deserve it because they have the qualities or abilities required.


descendant [diséndǝnt 던트] 자손, 후예

┈┈∘ a direct descendant 직계 자손


Someone's descendants are the people in later generations who are related to them.


a single worthy descendant 쓸 자손 하나


ancestor [ǽnsestǝr 쎄스터r] 선조, 조상

┈┈∘ You are derived from noble ancestors.

너는 훌륭한 조상의 자손이다.


succeed [sǝksíːd -] 성공하다

┈┈∘ Our plan succeeded. 우리 계획이 성공했다.


If you succeed in doing something, you manage to do it.



Ancestral spirits devote more than sixty years

앤쎄스츠뤌 스삐륏쯔 디보웃 모어 댄 씩스티 이어즈

to the receiving of a single worthy descendant from heaven,

투 더 뤼씨뷩 오브 어 씽글 워디 디쎈던트 프럼 헤븐

yet many spirits still do not succeed in receiving any such descendants.

옛 메니 스삐륏쯔 스틸 두 낫 썩씨드 인 뤼씨뷩 애니 써취 디쎈던쯔


Ancestral spirits devote more than sixty years to the receiving of a single worthy descendant from heaven, yet many spirits still do not succeed in receiving any such descendants.

모든 선령신들이 쓸 자손 하나씩 타내려고 60년 동안 공을 들여도 못 타내는 자도 많으니라.



* 오늘의 한 줄 영어

A: In Jeung San do, we practice the Taeeulju Mantra meditation.


A: 증산도에서는 태을주 수행을 합니다.


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