[영어성구] 선천에는 상극의 이치가

진실무망 | 2017.09.05 13:10 | 조회 5283

오늘의 성구 암송 Wednesday, August 23, 147


선천에는 상극의 이치가 인간 사물을 맡았으므로

모든 인사가 도(道義)에 어그러져서 원한이 맺히고 쌓여 삼계에 넘치매 마침내 살기(殺氣)가 터져 나와

세상에 모든 참혹한 재앙을 일으키나니


Throughout the Early Heaven,

the principle of mutual conflict and domination has governed all humanity and all existence,

and thus all human affairs have transgressed against the dao of righteousness, causing bitterness and grief. This untold accumulation of bitterness and grief has overflowed the three realms, and the deadly qi is now bursting forth, spawning horrific disasters across the world.

- English Dojeon 4:16:2~3 -



throughout [θruːáut 쓰루-] 의 전체에 걸쳐서

┈┈• throughout one’s life 일생을 통하여


If you say that something happens throughout a particular period of time, you mean that it happens during the whole of that period.


early ́ːrli -] 초기의, 이른

┈┈• in the early days of space exploration 우주 탐험의 초창기


Early means before the usual time that a particular event or activity happens.


the Early Heaven 선천

the Later Heaven 후천


principle [prínsǝpəl 서뻘] 원리, 원칙, (물리·자연의) 법칙

┈┈• There are three fundamental principles of teamwork.

협동 작업에는 세 가지 기본적인 원칙이 있다


A principle is a general belief that you have about the way you should behave, which influences your behaviour.


mutual [mjúːtʃuǝl -추얼] 서로의, 상호 관계가 있는

┈┈• mutual aid 상호 부조

┈┈• mutual respect 상호 존경


You use mutual to describe a situation, feeling, or action that is experienced, felt, or done by both of two people mentioned.


conflict [kάnflikt 플릭트] 싸움, 투쟁, 전투, 대립, 마찰, 갈등

┈┈• a conflict between two cultures 두 문화 간의 충돌


Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement.


domination [dɑ̀mənéiʃən 다머이션] 지배, 통치(rule), 우세


dominate [dάmǝnèit 머네잇] 지배하다

┈┈• He tended to dominate the conversation.

그는 대화를 지배하는 경향이 있었다.


To dominate a situation means to be the most powerful or important person or thing in it.


govern [gʌ́vǝrn ] 통치하다, 다스리다(rule)

┈┈• The country is governed by elected representatives of the people.

그 나라는 선출된 국민의 대표들이 통치한다.


To govern a place such as a country, or its people, means to be officially in charge of the place, and to have responsibility for making laws, managing the economy, and controlling public services.


humanity [hjuːmǽnǝti -너티] 인류

┈┈• for the benefit of humanity 인류를 위하여


All the people in the world can be referred to as humanity.


existence [igzístəns 스턴스] 존재, 실재, 현존; 철학실존

┈┈• I believe in the existence of ghosts.

유령의 존재를 믿고 있다.


The existence of something is the fact that it is present in the world as a real thing.


thus [ðʌs 더쓰] 이렇게 하여, 이와 같이

┈┈• Many scholars have argued thus.

많은 학자들이 이와 같이 주장해 왔다.


You use thus to show that what you are about to mention is the result or consequence of something else that you have just mentioned.


affair [ǝfέǝr r] , 문제

┈┈• international affairs 국제 문제

┈┈• business affairs 재계 문제

┈┈• private affairs 사사로운 일


transgress [trænsgrés 츠뤤스그] (도덕적법적 한계를) 넘어서다, 벗어나다

┈┈• transgress moral laws 인륜을 어기다


If someone transgresses, they break a moral law or a rule of behaviour.


against [ǝgénst 스트] 에 반대하여, 맞서

┈┈• the fight against terrorism 대테러전


righteousness [ráitʃǝsnis 잇쳐스니스] 정의, 정직 (justice)

┈┈• carry out righteousness 정의를 행하다


Righteousness means the quality or state of being just or rightful.


cause [kɔːz -] 의 원인이 되다, 로 하여금 ~하게 하다

┈┈• This caused her to change her mind.

이것 때문에 그녀는 마음이 변했다.


To cause something, usually something bad, means to make it happen


bitterness [bítǝrnis r니쓰] 쓴맛, 신랄함, 슬픔, 괴로움

┈┈• tears of bitterness 통한의 눈물


bitter [bítǝr ] (맛이) , 호된, 가차 없는, 신랄한, 냉혹한

┈┈• a long and bitter dispute 격렬하고 장기적인 분쟁


In a bitter argument or conflict, people argue very angrily or fight very fiercely.


grief [griːf 그륖-] (깊은) 슬픔, 비탄, 비통

┈┈• Time tames the strongest grief.

시간이 흐르면 아무리 큰 슬픔도 잊게 된다, 세월이 약.


Grief is a feeling of extreme sadness.


untold [ʌntóuld 울드] 말로 다 할 수 없는, 실로 엄청난, 막대한

┈┈• untold misery 말로 다 할 수 없는 비참함


You can use untold to emphasize how bad or unpleasant something is.


accumulation [ǝkjúːmjulèiʃən -뮤레이션] 집적, 축적, 누적

┈┈• the accumulation of knowledge 지식의 축적


An accumulation of something is a large number of things which have been collected together or acquired over a period of time.


accumulate [ǝkjúːmjǝlèit -며레잇] (서서히)모으다, 축적하다

┈┈• Debts began to accumulate.

빚이 늘어나기 시작했다.


overflow [òuvǝrflóu 오우붜플] 에서 넘쳐 흐르다

┈┈• The river overflowed its banks. 강이 범람했다.


If a liquid or a river overflows, it flows over the edges of the container or place it is in.


realm [relm 뤠엄] 왕국, 국토; 범위, 영역

┈┈• within the realms of possibility 가능한 범위 안에


You can use realm to refer to any area of activity, interest, or thought.


deadly [dédli 들리] 죽음의, 치명적인

┈┈• a deadly weapon 흉기

┈┈• a deadly disease 치명적인 질병


If something is deadly, it is likely or able to cause someone's death, or has already caused someone's death.


burst [bǝːrst r-스트] 터지다, 파열하다; 터뜨리다, 파열시키다

┈┈• That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.

조금만 더 불면 그 풍선은 터질 거야.


If something bursts or if you burst it, it suddenly breaks open or splits open and the air or other substance inside it comes out.


forth [fɔːrθ r-] 앞으로(forward); 전방으로; 밖으로, 외부로

┈┈• Huge chimneys belched forth smoke and grime.

거대한 굴뚝들이 연기와 검댕을 토해 냈다.


burst forth 돌발하다; (피 따위가) 분출하다

┈┈• War burst forth. 전쟁이 발발했다.


spawn [spɔːn 스뽠-] (물고기가) 알을 낳다, 대량 생산하다

┈┈• Trout run up rivers in winter to spawn.

송어들은 산란을 위해 겨울에 강을 거슬러 오른다.


When fish or animals such as frogs spawn, they lay their eggs.


horrific [həːrífik -] 무서운, 대단한

┈┈• a horrific accident 끔찍한 사건


If you describe a physical attack, accident, or injury as horrific, you mean that it is very bad, so that people are shocked when they see it or think about it.


disaster [dizǽstǝr 스떠r] 천재; 재해, 재난, 참사; 흉사

┈┈• A nuclear war would be a disaster.

핵전쟁은 참화를 불러올 것이다.


A disaster is a very bad accident such as an earthquake or a plane crash, especially one in which a lot of people are killed.


across [ǝkrɔ́ːs 어크-] 가로질러, 의 전역에서

┈┈• across the country 전국에

┈┈• across the world 전 세계에


If someone or something goes across a place or a boundary, they go from one side of it to the other.



Throughout the Early Heaven,

쓰루아웃 더 얼리 헤븐

the principle of mutual conflict and domination

더 프륀스뻘 오브 뮤추얼 칸플릭트 앤 다머네이션

has governed all humanity and all existence,

해즈 거번드 올 휴매너티 앤 올 익지스턴스

and thus all human affairs have transgressed

앤 더쓰 올 휴먼 어풰어즈 햅 츠뤤스그뤠쓰드

against the dao of righteousness, causing

어겐스트 더 다오 오브 롸잇쳐스니스 코징

bitterness and grief. This untold accumulation of

비러니쓰 앤 그륖 디스 언토울드 어큐뮤레이션 오브

bitterness and grief has overflowed the three

비러니쓰 앤 그륖 해즈 오우붜플로욷 더 쓰뤼

realms, and the deadly qi is now bursting forth,

뤠엄즈 앤 더 데들리 키 이즈 나우 버스팅 포쓰

spawning horrific disasters across the world.

스뽜닝 허리퓍 디제스떠즈 어크롸쓰 더 월드




선천에는 상극의 이치가 인간 사물을 맡았으므로

모든 인사가 도(道義)에 어그러져서 원한이 맺히고 쌓여 삼계에 넘치매 마침내 살기(殺氣)가 터져 나와

세상에 모든 참혹한 재앙을 일으키나니

Throughout the Early Heaven,

the principle of mutual conflict and domination has governed all humanity and all existence,

and thus all human affairs have transgressed against the dao of righteousness, causing bitterness and grief. This untold accumulation of bitterness and grief has overflowed the three realms, and the deadly qi is now bursting forth, spawning horrific disasters across the world.






- 오늘의 한 줄 영어 -


I started taking meditation class in the morning.

아침 수행 강좌에 다니기 시작했어요.


meditation [mèditéiʃən 메리이션] 수행, 명상

take class 수강하다

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